Jenae and Dr. Alex van Duyvendyk present gifts at Kelowna General Hospital Pediatrics Unit (KGH Foundation)

Kelowna student spreads joy with cart full of gifts

Jenae and Dr. Alex van Duyvendyk delivered gifts to the Kelowna pediatric department on December 24th

A Kelowna high school student brought some Christmas cheer to sick kids.

On December 24, Jenae and family friend Dr. Alex van Duyvendyk, a doctor of internal health, a cart full of gifts through Kelowna General Hospital’s pediatric department to deliver toys to children and their families.

“I just wanted to give kids a little bit of joy and encouragement when they need it most,” Jenae said. “I know from personal experience what it’s like to spend the holidays in a hospital bed, and I thought this would be a nice one.” Surprise and distraction for these kids.”

Jenae has been collecting donations since the fall when she gave Dr. van Duyvendyk asked for help with her gift project.

“We know what it’s like to be away from home at Christmas and wanted to give the children who are staying at KGH this Christmas season a little surprise and a little joy,” says Dr. van Duyvendyk, who was a patient herself over the holidays.

Jenae’s generosity resulted in smiles, giggles and shouts of joy that brightened the children’s ward, lifted spirits and brightened everyone’s day.

READ MORE: UBCO graduates launch heartfelt campaign in support of Kelowna General Hospital’s Cardiac Ward

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Christmas City Kelowna