Help shape city parks

Photo: Wayne Moore

Kelowna residents have been invited to help shape the future of their city’s parks.

“Imagine Kelowna, our strategic vision for the community created by the community shows that we need great public meeting places like parks, squares and community centers where people can meet and connect with others”, said Stefan Johansson, park and landscape planner.

The plan will guide the expansion, development and operation of the city’s parking system as the population grows over the next 20 to 40 years.

“The demand and attractiveness of attractive, dynamic public spaces will grow as the city grows, and a plan is needed to guide long-term planning for these important public goods,” said Johansson.

From November 2nd to December 5th, residents can make their voice heard on the city’s engagement platform, Get Involved, to take the online survey, ask questions, or register to participate as an organization and a discussion guide to obtain.

In the first phase of the park master plan, the vision and direction of the plan are determined, the goals and the framework of values ​​as well as the associated success standards are determined and a detailed inventory and analysis of the existing parks, open spaces and natural treasures are found within the city.

For further information, click here.