Stranger at the door

Rob Gibson | History: 351058

Photo: Andy Cloutier

A resident of northern Kelowna shared an unusual photo with Castanet.

Andy Cloutier recently shared a photo of a deer peeking through his front window.

“We have many stairs to our front door, we had neighbors for coffee this (Sunday) morning, we noticed someone at our front door, he didn’t ring the bell, but kept looking at us through the side window.” says Cloutier.

The house is on Mount Royal Dr. and Cloutier says he knows there are a lot of deer, but this is the first time he has seen one through his front door.

Cloutier says he was enjoying a chat and coffee when someone pointed to the front door and said, “Hey, someone is at the door.” “When we looked, the deer was staring at us through the window.”

Cloutier tells Castanet that it is common knowledge in the neighborhood that at least one of the neighbors feeds the deer, “They are pretty domesticated. It’s intimidating sometimes because my wife is walking her friends and she has to be careful because it’s rutting season.

People have to stop feeding them so they don’t get hit by cars sometimes as they are everywhere. “