Photo: Nicholas Johansen

A man who committed an 11 day real estate crime in Kelowna last year will be behind bars for nearly two and a half more years.

Between January 17 and January 27, 2018, Troy MacLennan broke into five vehicles and stole items in six residential parkades in Kelowna. He also broke into one of the building’s lockers and stole mail.

In April, MacLennan pleaded guilty to 18 of the counts.

While the crown was aiming for a total sentence of five and a half years, Judge Lisa Wyatt imposed a four-year prison sentence on Friday.

“I accept that Mr. MacLennan suffered from depression and addiction at the time of this crime, but these circumstances do not excuse his abusive behavior,” Wyatt said during the conviction.

“That wasn’t a single, impulsive act. Mr. MacLennan committed multiple crimes over several days, causing loss and damage to multiple victims.”

Some of MacLennan’s victims were seniors.

“The defendants entering their building left them feeling injured and unsafe.

MacLennan has remained in custody since his arrest in January and has attended several courses and counseling sessions while at the Okanagan Correctional Center.

Wyatt said she believes this work helped MacLennan gain insight into his crimes and how they affected the victims of his crimes.

MacLennan was granted an expanded presentation credit equal to 1.5 times the actual number of days in prison, resulting in a credit of 585 days. Therefore, he has 875 days to serve.