Forest fire donations wanted

Rob Gibson | History: 342375

Photo: Tara Raby

Okanagan companies are rallying to support those who have been hit by forest fires so far this year.

Okanagan Luxury Boat Rentals in Kelowna has started a fundraiser to help those who have been forced to leave their homes or, worse, have lost their homes and other belongings due to forest fires.

“We will have a drop-off box in front of our yard and accept unopened necessities like toiletries, new blankets, non-perishable items, etc. from the community,” said Ryan Blonar, CEO of Okanagan Luxury Boat Rentals.

Blonar says donations can be made at 437 Bay Avenue between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

“The last thing people who have been evicted from their homes have to worry about is how to get the supplies they need to live,” says Blonar.

Once the supplies are gathered, Blonar says he and his team will drop them off at the various shelters that have popped up in the Okanagan to help those displaced by forest fires.

Blonar hopes that other companies will join the effort: “We want to help people in need and will stay as long as necessary.”