Hard week in the office? Do you have a flat tire? Bump toe? Bored?

All good reasons to join Ax Monkeys’ newest addition: the Rage Room.

Ax Monkeys opened their Rage Room on Friday, which is a great opportunity for visitors to get rid of their stress and anger – stress-inducing problems embodied in household items such as televisions, plates or furniture.

“We have to deal with stress in our daily life. Whether because of work, at home or anything else, the stress can build up and express itself in unhelpful ways such as anxiety and blood pressure,” explains Ax Monkeys jokingly on her Facebook page, that cathartic destruction is “cheaper than therapy”.

“Some people believe that the best way to reduce stress and anger is to break things.”

Items to be smashed can be purchased in the store and range in price from a loonie to over $ 50, but Ax Monkeys requires customers to purchase smashable items worth at least $ 15 in order to to take part in her awesome room.

Alternatively, you can get your priceless items in their safe space and get rid of your arsenal troubles for $ 20 per 20 minutes.

<who>Photo credit: Facebook, Ax Monkeys</who>“src =” https://www.kelownanow.com/files/files/images/Rage%20room%202.jpg “/></p>
<p>For more information on how to vent your frustrations at Ax Monkeys, click here.</p>
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