BC Tree Fruits expands CEO

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The BC Tree Fruits Cooperative clearly loves the direction that board chairman Warren Sarafinchan has led the organization by extending his contract for an additional five years.

Sarafinchan has been at the top for 18 months and has taken many important steps to turn the tree fruit cooperative around.

“As demonstrated by Warren, he is determined to work with the cooperative’s growers, board members and employees to implement the changes needed to strengthen the cooperative and improve producer profitability,” said Steve Brown, chairman of the board of directors of BC Tree Fruits a press release.

“In his short time at the cooperative, Warren and his team have worked tirelessly to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and take critical steps to properly size all aspects of the organization. The Board of Directors is confident that Warren is the right person to make the changes our cooperative needs to make. “

One of Sarafinchan’s primary responsibilities for the company was “getting the business right,” including selling its downtown office for $ 7.5 million.

“I would like to thank the Board of Directors for the continued trust in me and consider it a privilege to be able to lead the cooperative into the future,” said Sarafinchan. “Over the past 18 months we’ve taken important steps to turn a new page and make the necessary changes.

“Much has already been done, but there is much more to be done. I look forward to working with the Board of Directors, our growers, our employees and the British Columbia Department of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries to build a sustainable tree fruit industry here in British Columbia. “

BC Tree Fruits was founded in the Okanagan Valley in 1936 and represents 350 growers and 600 regular and seasonal employees. It is Western Canada’s largest tree fruit pack house.