Horse safe, return home

Photo: Kristen Olychuck

Lucho, the hideous Palo Fino horse, is brought home safely.

UPDATE 12:17 p.m.

According to owner Kristen Olychuck, the horse was safely wrestled by a professional “roper” and he will now be returning home.

ORIGINAL 11:45 a.m.

A Kelowna woman says she found her horse, thanks to community help, which was free in Myra Canyon Provincial Park Friday night.

Kristen Olychuck says she bought 13-year-old Lucho this week, but he’s a little nervous in his new neighborhood and he started on Friday.

Many Kelowna residents contacted her late Friday night with sightings of the Paso Fino stallion, and she and a few friends were able to track him down in the Myra Canyon Provincial Park area.

“He’s been walking around the Hayes Road area and making his way to a property that’s fenced on three sides. But he won’t let anyone catch him,” said Olychuck.

Even though he’s in her eyes, Olychuck says she had to call a local “roper” to argue with him. She is currently waiting for the roper to arrive. By then, Lucho was safe and sound.

Olychuck would like to thank the Kelowna community for their help and support.

Photo: Kristen Olychuck

Lucho found the horse safe and sound.