Two New Brunswick offshore emergency tugs will join the Canadian Coast Guard in BC

“As part of the Oceans Protection Plan, our government is taking concrete steps to better prevent and respond to marine pollution incidents. These ships will enhance the Canadian Coast Guard’s emergency capacity off the west coast and help make Canada’s waters and coastlines safer, cleaner and healthier, ”said Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister for Fisheries, Oceans and Canadian Coast Guard.

The lease application for offshore emergency tugs was submitted in February 2018 and awarded in August.

READ MORE: Trudeau Announces Agreement To Protect Bioregional Oceans In Prince Rupert

Atlantic Towing Limited, headquartered in Saint John, NB, received an order valued at $ 67,013,720 for the three-year lease of two ships following an open takeover bid. The company will operate the ships and train Coast Guard members and partners in offshore emergency towing.

The ships are used to tow merchant ships, tankers and container ships when they are in need. They can also be used for search and rescue operations and respond to environmental incidents. One ship will operate between Alaska and the northern tip of Vancouver Island, while the second will operate on the west side of Vancouver Island and the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

The tugs are expected to be in BC waters by the end of 2018.

The Oceans Protection Plan was first announced in 2016 after a diesel fuel near Bella Bella caused the British Columbia government to inquire about better responsiveness to ships in distress.

At the time of the 2016 announcement, Trudeau said, “These measures are progressive and proactive and will ensure the health of our oceans for generations to come. The $ 1.5 billion plan to protect the oceans unveiled today will make Canada a global leader in marine security and take an important step towards jointly managing our coasts with indigenous and coastal communities to work together to ensure that these remain healthy, clean and safe for generations. ”

READ MORE: The oil spill control ship built in Broadwater is ready to go
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