Premier John Horgan Talks Phase 2 in BC’s COVID-19 Immunization Schedule as Dr. Penny Ballem, far left, Dr. Bonnie Henry and Secretary Adrian Dix watch during a press conference on Monday March 1st at the Victoria, BC Legislature. 2021. THE CANADIAN PRESS / Chad Hipolito

Horgan supports vaccination records for international travel, but lukewarm for BC

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also expressed caution on the matter

Prime Minister John Horgan says he will support requirements that ensure international travelers have some form of COVID-19 vaccination record, but he’s not convinced that the people of British Columbia should come up with the same evidence of attending local events.

According to Horgan, it is imperative that international travelers show that they have received a COVID-19 vaccine.

However, he is not sure whether the same directive should be implemented locally, for example at sporting or entertainment events, when they resume.

The prime minister says the issue of vaccine certificates was a topic of discussion between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the provincial prime ministers at their weekly meeting. .

Trudeau was also cautious on the issue today, saying that presenting such a passport for everyday activities raises equality issues.

BC will monitor the situation while the pandemic continues, Horgan said, and the prospect of implementing something that would provide evidence of a vaccine has not been entirely ruled out.

The Canadian press


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