Make Christmas brighter

Photo: Contributed

The generosity emanating from the people of the Okanagan seems to have been greater and more heartfelt this year as the need has grown.

With the economic downturn caused by COVID-19 affecting more people than usual at this time of year, those who can help have increased in numbers.

The newest act of kindness comes from the Friends of Dorothy Lounge in Kelowna.

Employees and other employees of the downtown Kelowna store bought enough turkeys and supplies to feed all of the women housed at the Karis Support Society on Rowcliffe Avenue.

The 37-bed facility hosts women whose negative experiences have resulted in substance abuse or mental health issues that have negatively impacted their lives, and they are now actively working on personal recovery.

An employee at the rest home says Dorothy’s friends will be over in the late afternoon to prepare dinner.

It is very much appreciated, she says. Usually, she says, the ladies have to prepare their own Christmas dinner, and in some cases they don’t have much, so they get very excited when they bring turkey and all that cutting.