Dear editor:

I was in a store when I heard the owner talk to another customer about how this pandemic was planned and that Bill Gates already owned the patent for the vaccine.

She went on to talk about mandatory masks and human rights violations.

I was shocked and had to leave. Any confrontation on my part would not convince this woman and would certainly only annoy me more than I already was.

ALSO READ: COLUMN: The message from the anti-maskers missed the mark

ALSO READ: Large anti-mask protest blocks traffic in downtown Kelowna

Have we come to the point where science is no longer relevant to people’s lives because I’m pretty sure people are sick and dying all over the world, including here in Canada.

The World Health Organization identified this as a global pandemic back in March. Nations across Asia and Europe were devastated by the early loss of life and these problems soon came to our empire in North America.

This new virus had to be understood before it could be properly treated. And the scientific community has done a pretty good job considering the timeframe.

This virus continues to have an impact. Numbers have risen across the country, and as we move into the holiday season, officials hold their breath hoping people will heed their warnings.

Unfortunately, they face people like this shopkeeper who continue to spread fear out of sheer ignorance.

Wear a mask! Wash your hands Take care of your bladder! And listen to the experts … not the Facebook page you belong to.

The unfortunate thing about our access to information today is that misinformation and conspiracy theories can self-confirm in a closed loop. Your expert is not an expert.

Finally, if you believe it is a conspiracy, so be it. Now that the virus is here, let’s save some lives. Get vaccinated when you have the opportunity to protect yourself and others.

Do your part and stop complaining.

Raja Gupta

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CoronavirusLetter to the editor

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