COVID claims Kelowna’s life

Photo: Contributed

A resident of Mountainview Village Nursing Home in Kelowna has died of COVID-19.

The patient was a man in his 80s.

He was the first nursing home resident in the Interior Health area to test positive for the virus.

“We express our condolences to the family and carers during this difficult time. Interior Health will continue to work closely with Mountainview’s administration and employees as we work together to fight COVID-19, “said Susan Brown, President and CEO of IH.

“We all have a role to play in stopping the spread in our communities, and I ask everyone to stay close to their homes now and stick to your budget. Limiting its spread in our communities will help keep COVID-19 out of our long-term care facilities and protect our most vulnerable people. “

This is the fourth death within Interior Health since the pandemic began.

IH said a second Mountainview Village employee linked to the first two cases at home has now tested positive.

According to IH, the person worked “for a short time on the first floor”. For this reason, Interior Health is expanding the outbreak to the first floor of the building as a precaution.

Interior Health’s daily update states that an additional 82 new cases have been reported in the past 24 hours, totaling 1,981.

Of these, 609 are active and isolated. 16 people are in the hospital, four are still in the intensive care unit.