North Okanagan Labor Council likes four Kelowna candidates

Four Kelowna council candidates have made the North Okanagan Labor Council’s (NOLC) endorsement list.

They are Davis Kyle, Gordon Lovegrove, Loyal Wooldridge and Mohini Singh. Kyle and Wooldridge have also been endorsed by LiveableKelowna.

A media release from the NOLC says it searched for the best candidates for everyday working-class people and friends of organized labor and trade unions to support.

Candidates were assessed on past experience, volunteerism, history with unions, involvement with community and not-for-profit organizations, assessment of critical issues and their platform.

They were also graded regarding their positions on topics of interest to labor including living wages, pay equity, affordability, housing, the environment, contracting out of public services, public-private partnerships, shopping local, job creation, ethical procurement, and truth and reconciliation.

In order to have been considered for endorsement, candidates needed to submit an application package by the deadline.

If a particular individual was not selected, it either means they did not apply for endorsement, or that they were not successful in the approval process.

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