Break-and-enter suspect caught red-handed – Kelowna Capital News

A man was caught willing tools in hand recently trying to break-into-a Kelowna business.

Police were called to a location in the 2500-block of Enterprise Way around 10am. on Jan. 15, after a business owner said they were watching the man live on surveillance cameras.

The man was using a hammer to try to break into trailers on a construction site.

In the duffel bag he had been carrying, there was a replica pistol, as well as more tools.

The tools Abbas used for an attempted break-and-enter into a business. (RCMP/Submitted)

He initially gave a fake name, but upon being brought into station, it was determined that he was 43-year-old Saeed Abbas, who was already known to RCMP.

Of no fixed address, police are recommending charges of break-and-enter, property obtained by crime, possession of break-in tools, obstructing a police officer, and three counts of breach of release orders.

Additional charges are being investigated. Abbas will be held in custody until Jan 20.

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City of Kelowna Crime Police RCMP