Ron Cannan Running for Kelowna City Council

With Kelowna’s crime rate now the highest in Canada, homelessness increasing substantially over the last eight years, and lack of affordability challenging families and individuals across Kelowna, Ron Cannan has decided to run for City Councilor on October 15, 2022 to tackle these issues.

Kelowna is presently growing at an unmanageable pace while our infrastructure needs are falling behind and our taxes are rising. Ron and his wife Cindy and their family have lived in Kelowna for over 32 years. Ron is self employed and has served at all levels of government.

“Over the last several months I have met with and spoken to thousands of local residents who have expressed great concerns with crime rate, homelessness, increased taxes and accelerated pace of growth without proper planning for transportation and infrastructure needs. People tell me constantly that Kelowna almost feels like a city growing on steroids and the present pace simply isn’t sustainable.” said Ron Cannan.

Ron brings over 35 years of business and political experience and he looks forward to continuing to meet with Kelowna residents at their door steps, coffee shops and throughout the community.

“While it would be much easier and relaxing to continue working with my wife in our company and spending time enjoying our children and grandchildren, I just can’t sit on the sidelines and watch the City fail to address critical issues. I want to help create a City Council that will be more attentive to the people and have stronger oversight and accountability to taxpayers.” said Cannan.

For more information on Ron’s 6 point Action Plan please visit his website: Ron would love to hear your thoughts, concerns and ideas in how we can work together to build a community full of HOPE! 6 point plan:

1) Housing, Transportation and Smart Growth

2) Homelessness and Mental Health

3) Policing, Crime & Safety

4) Climate Resiliency, Ecosystem Restoration and Food Sustainability

5) Fiscal Accountability and Transparency

6) Arts, Culture and Recreation We can’t continue doing the same thing and expect a different result.

For more information on how you can help Ron get elected please contact Ron at: