Johannes van Leenen, on the Growing Importance of Kelowna’s Community and the Real Estate World

While some real estate developers merely work for financial gain, there is a niche group of those who have found great success through their love and passion for the industry, and their desire to make a positive change in the world. Without real estate development, we wouldn’t have housing, schools, hospitals, or other necessary buildings that are integral to a functioning society. The positive effect real estate development can have on local communities is critical in supporting progress in our society.

Johannes van Leenen, a proven visionary and one of Canada’s most sought-after production home builders, has worked in the real estate industry for over 25 years. Starting at an early age working with his father who was responsible for much of Edmonton’s commercial development in the 1980s – including high-rise towers, shopping malls, and residential communities, Johannes began to develop a passion and flair for the industry. While selling new-home real estate in his 20s, he assisted his mother and brothers in growing a humble real estate empire with developments in Alberta and New York. Johannes has a wealth of experience in both single and multi-family development in Western Canada and his passion for real estate has recently expanded to develop Fifth Avenue Properties, building in Alberta, Arizona, and British Columbia.

Johannes has been involved in building over 2,500 homes and has earned the reputation of being a noteworthy leader in the industry. His body of work is a testament to the evolving demand in Kelowna and now extends beyond borders into the Southwest United States. The J. van Leenen Series portfolio embodies traditional and contemporary design styles that help to create vibrant and inclusive communities for people to call home. Johannes believes befriending people in the community played a huge role in his initial success. “Our success in the community of High River, Alberta stemmed from community involvement, meeting with town officials to understand the needs of the community, and giving back to those in the community during their time of need.” He believes it is paramount to understand what the community needs regarding real estate development, and as a family man and volunteer football coach, he understands the importance of community all too well.

With the recent pandemic that swept the globe, working from home and the demand for flexible office spaces has become a priority among purchasers and renters. Having accessible amenities such as grocery stores, fitness facilities, and a pharmacy within the community has also become increasingly important. This forced decreased socialization, but through these people have found themselves longing for social activities. Therefore, community engagement in the form of tenant lounges with BBQ areas, picnic tables, and playgrounds needs to be considered in any new-home multi-build.

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Johannes van Leenen is undoubtedly building an empire to be proud of, with Fifth Avenue Properties expanding in major cities within Canada and the US. The company ensures each project is tailored to the region and to the needs of the communities that they build in.