Photo: The Canadian Press

A Kelowna real estate agent warns other real estate agents to be aware of an online creeper called “Jay”.

Lani Rae, an agent at Century 21, said she received a request from a man who told her he and his wife were planning to move from Saskatchewan to Kelowna and that he found her name on the Century 21 website.

“I set up a Skype meeting with him and asked all the usual questions. He was alone and I could only see his side profile, which I found strange,” says Rae.

“As the conversation went on, things got stranger,” she says. “I asked him if he was typing or taking notes and then I realized what he was up to. I asked if his wife would join the conversation and Skype was shut down.”

Rae posted screenshots online and heard from realtors around the country of similar experiences, with a man of the same description on Skype and phone calls, all with similar worrying stories.

“I contacted RCMP but their hands are tied because no crime has been committed. I’m just worried what comes next when he’s tired of the calls and skyping. I heard he asked meet some agents in person. ” said Rae.

“So far he only appears to have been contacting Century 21 female agents, but I have notified the Okanagan Mainline Real Estate Board of the situation.

“It’s a good reminder to take security measures every day such as meeting customers in the office, pre-qualifying, identifying, never doing an open house yourself using your gut instinct,” said Rae. “I want people to know when we ask for ID for reasons like this and we try to keep our security.”

“It’s difficult because in real estate you have to deal with your contact information. It’s a fine line to walk.”

It encourages all other brokers who have had similar experiences to report this to the RCMP.

“Maybe you can find this guy and knock on his door and have a chat.”